Welcome to our blog

Occasionally, when we have time, we’ll add more blog items here.

If you have any suggestions or questions you would like answered, please let us know and we’ll see what we can do.


A brief chat about contour lines.

On Thursday 6th October 22 I was invited by the BBC to take part in their afternoon quiz.  The subject of the quiz (I was asking the questions) was to…

The geographic centre of Great Britain

[Video blog] – An explanation of (and a visit to) the “exact” geographic centre of Great Britain. I hope you enjoy watching the video as much I did making it.…

Navigate without a map or compass

[Video blog] – Since ancient times people have navigated long distances over land and water using just the sun, moon and stars. Of course these days with modern maps and…

Why the Magnetic North Pole moves

 Over the past 30 years the magnetic North Pole (MNP) has moved almost the same distance as it had during the previous 180 years. With this, very curious behaviour, in…

Why is North up

On a map why is North at the top and South at the bottom? OK I know it sounds like a silly question but why isn’t Europe on the left…

Which way is North

Which way is North? Like many simple sounding questions there should be a simple answer. But in this case it depends on which way you consider North to be as…

What is a Grid Reference

Grid References are formed by the blue lines which go up and across maps. They will allow you to describe a point or area to someone who can’t see your…

What are Tithe Maps

In 1830 a skeleton was found buried in a barn close to the village of Oddingley in Worcestershire. This discovery would not only have a major effect on the lives…

Sample route card to download

If you’re going out walking then you really should create a route card and (VERY IMPORTANT) leave a copy with someone, so they’ll know where you are if things go…

Reference and Thematic maps

There are many reasons why someone creates a map and for this reason each map will stress a particular aspect of an area e.g. political, physical, topographic, climatic, road ,…

Every part of a compass identified

It is very difficult to find out what all the various parts of a compass are for, so I thought it would be useful to list them all here. There…

What is Open Access Land

The idea of an area where the public has the right to walk where they wanted – as opposed to keeping to a Public Right of Way – was introduced…

When can you practice night navigation

The ability to safely navigate in reduced visibility is a vital skill which all outdoor walkers should (must) have.  This is why we practice at night, as darkness is guaranteed…

Map heights in the UK

When you read a map you will see that various points have their height marked. It is commonly believed that these Spot Heights are taken from Sea Level. However the…

Magnetic declination

“Mag to Grid get rid, Grid to Mag add” was a mnemonic used to help inexperienced navigators to remember to adjust their direction when navigating with both a map and…

Laminated maps vs map cases

We have “lots” of maps. Of course we could simply print off sections of an Ordinance Survey Map (with a licence from the OS) and use those on our courses.…

Compass magnetic zones

Do compasses work anywhere? As an example let’s say you’re heading off on a trekking holiday to The Inca Trail (Peru) or Kilimanjaro (Tanzania), will your compass, bought in the…

Azimuth vs Bearing.

What’s the difference between an Azimuth and a Bearing? Is it azimuth or bearing? Some people when using a compass to navigate will use either, so they (in this case…

A brief history of Contour Lines

When looking at a map probably the most obvious thing you’ll notice is that it’s covered with contour lines. As good a place as any to start this whiz through…

Degrees vs Mils

We have also convert this blog into a Video Blog.See here   – YouTube Degrees vs MillsYouTube will open in a new tab.   A brief look at the differences between…